Announced by the world-renowned headphone manufacturer Audeze is their new flagship planar magnetic headphones the LCD-5! How will these new Top-of-the-Line headphones compete with the very best in the world? Suffice it to say that the LCD-4 and LCD-4z were always in the conversation for the “world’s best”, so our hopes for the LCD-5 are really, really high!

We have a pair in and our review is currently underway. Please keep checking back here as we expect it shouldn’t take too long. In the meantime, here are some key details: 18 ohms impedance, 90 dB/mW sensitivity and now at a mass of only 420 grams (roughly 1/3 of the LCD-4). These headphones are gorgeous and come in at a price point of $4500 USD. More to come…

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