Welcome back to our coverage of AXPONA 2024, I would like to especially thank Puron (https://hifihouse.co.uk/puron/, info@hifihouse.co.uk), and Vera-Fi Audio, manufacturer of fine loudspeakers and clever accessories much of which comprises my reference system, for kindly sponsoring our coverage.

Swinging by the Marketplace I found one table of note, that of German cable manufacturer VIABLUE who had taken the show by storm appearing in at least half a dozen of the rooms at the show, which is quite a feat for a first-time appearance, especially given the number of well-established cable lines in the community. Providing extreme performance at a reasonable price Anke Patt of VIABLUE (not pictured) was quick to point out that all of their cables are available in a plethora of different outer jackets on a custom-order basis. Cut samples were on display as VIABLUE was happy to show their unique construction which features a series of weaves and composite materials. They also offer a host of accessories, including isolation feet, cable lifters, and even 4% silver solder. Sharing the booth with VIABLUE was Renato Dias of Tönnen (picture in the Tönnen sweatshirt) who has created a full line of acoustic panels and room treatment accessories, a perfect complement to VIABLUE, and to fill out the void was RSX (from former XLO founder and designer Roger Skoff also not pictured) who specializes in power cables and accessories.


Back in the Ear Gear Experience was 64 AUDIO, who had beautiful wooden display cases to show off their well-respected line of In-Ear Monitors, including their new 64 AUDIO Volür ($2,499) which features 10 Drivers in a TRUE ISOBARIC configuration implementing their tia waveguide, apex Air Pressure Exchange vent, and Linear Impedance Design.


SENNHEISER had their full line of headphones on display as well as their IEMs and wireless offerings.

ATLAS/Ferrum/Austrian Audio/HEM

Ferrum was on hand with their famous Ferrum HYPSOS Outboard Power System ($1,195), Ferrum WANDLA DAC ($2,795), Ferrum OOR Headphone Amplifier ($1,995), and their new Ferrum ERCO Gen 2 DAC/Headphone Amplifier ($1,795). As usual they were showing with ATLAS cables, and new to the docket were the Austrian Audio Full Score one Premium Headphone Amplifier ($1,599) and Austrian Audio The Composer Premium Reference Headphones ($2,699), as well as uniquely a HEM SERCE Digital Audio System module.


CAMPFIRE AUDIO was showcasing their new Fathom IEM ($1,049) a 6 BA design using their Phase Harmony Engineering to create a warm and musical vocal presentation.


EMPIRE EARS were showing their EMPIRE EARS Raven 12 Driver Quadbrid, Dual Conduction Flagship In-Ear Monitor ($3,599) with a boasted frequency response of 5Hz to 100kHz, and their EMPIRE EARS ODIN 11 Driver, 7-way Crossover In-Ear Monitor ($3,399).

iFi Audio

iFi Audio introduced their first Electrostatic Headphone amplifier the iFi Audio iCAN PHANTOM ($3,749) which can drive either Electrostatic or conventional headphones and is switchable between tube, tube hybrid, and solid-state output with a whopping 15Watts of power.

SparkoS Labs, Inc.

SparkoS Labs, Inc. is back with a new tube hybrid amplifier the SparkoS Labs, Inc. Gemini ($995)

Starscream Communications/Lenco/HIDIZS

An unusual find in the Ear Gear Experience was PR firm Starscream Communications who were showing Lenco and HIDIZS products among others. On display was the Lenco L-3810 USB Turntable with a Phono Preamp ($499) which seems to be a reproduction of the classic Technics SL-1200.


Once again LUXMAN hosted dignitaries from Japan including Masakazu Nagatsuma the Director of Research & Development for LUXMAN. The system on display for the launch of their new LUXMAN NT-07 Streaming Network Transport ($7,495) included the LUXMAN C-10X Control Pre-Amplifier ($19,995), two LUXMAN M-10X Mono/Stereo Power Amplifiers, A LUXMAN D-10X SACD Player ($16,995), a beautiful LUXMAN PD-191A Turntable ($12,495) with a LUXMAN LMC-5 Cartridge ($2,695), a LUXMAN E-07 Solid-State Reference Phono Equalizer Amplifier (TBD), a pair of MAGICO S3 Loudspeakers ($45,500/pr) and a MAGICO SSUB ($18,650ea), with Audioquest cabling. One item that caught my interest was the LUXMAN MQ-88uC Vacuum Tube Stereo Power Amplifier, a bargain at only $5,995.

VAC/Cardas/Acora Acoustics/United Home Audio/LampizatOr/SAT

Okay, the visual highlight of the show was the Acora Acoustics SRB with Bedrock subwoofer ($85,000/pr), which was paired with a Vac Master Line Stage ($30,000) with a pair of VAC 80iQ Monobloc Power Amplifiers ($10,000 ea), a VAC Master 300 iQ Music Bloc ($42,000), and a Linn Klimax Streamer DAC ($45,000). The rare aire main system consisted of Acora Acoustics VRX-1 ($218,000/pr), two VAC Master 300 iQ Musicbloc Power Amplifiers ($42,000/ea), a VAC Statement Line Stage ($82,000), a VAC Statement Phono Stage ($82,000), a SAT XD1 Record Player System w/CF1-08Ti tonearm ($307,500) and Lyra Atlas Lamda Phono Cartridge ($13,195), an Aurender N300SA Reference Digital Output Network Transport ($25,000) through a LampizatOr Poseidon DAC ($24,995), a United Home Audio UHA Ultima Apollo Reel to Reel Deck, Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ($5,050/1.5M pr), Cardas Clear Speaker Cables ($5,275/2.5M pr), Cardas Clear Beyond Power cables ($2,895/2M) Cardas Clear Digital Coax 75 ohm ($800/1.M), a Cardas Nautilus Power Strip ($1,200), an Acora SRR-V4 shelf vertical Equipment Rack in 1.25 Nero Assoluto Granite ($8,500), and a Acora SRR-H2 Shelf Double width vertical Equipment Rack in 1.25″ Nero Assoluto Granite ($8,500)

That concludes part 3 of our ongoing coverage of AXPONA 2024 thanks to Puron (https://hifihouse.co.uk/puron/, info@hifihouse.co.uk), and Vera-Fi Audio, stay tuned for part 4.

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