CanJam coverage for me is always fun as I get to hear great new gear and talk with many people who are showing both classic designs and new groundbreaking technology. Entering this community in 2008 there were only a handful of headphones that were truly considered reference quality. The explosion in personal audio has been monumental over the last 10 years. Jude Mansilla and Ethan Opolion continue to have worldwide shows with heavy attendance and continue to add more inspiring seminars to their event and continue to improve upon their shows. My next CanJam Global events I will be covering will include SoCal and Denver. Another great show for us and so I’m looking forward to attending more events and community headphone meets in 2019. The team at CanJam Global with the help of the companies who were showing and the attendees provided another memorable event for me and so I am looking forward to seeing everyone in 2019 at meets and other shows and events. Thank you once again to Nate Allen and the Kimber Kable folks for sponsoring our publication and helping to make our coverage possible.

Eric was showing Noble products. Jim Moulton the Wizard’s brother is now teaming up with John Moulton to present some of the finest in-ear monitors in the world. Noble took a break from some shows as they were catching up with their production and moving forward to create new designs both in the universal and custom designs that inspire with their artisan design and continue to use new technology and the Wizards continues with his outstanding creations like the award-winning Katana and Django, still offered both as a universal and custom.

The Khan is a new design from John Moulton that features 6 drivers in each black SLA housing. Consisting of 4 Balanced armature drivers, 1 dynamic driver, and 1 piezoelectric driver. The $2399 IEM is a universal design and has become so popular with its black and striking casing that Noble is currently on backorder. The Khan’s new composite design Mokume Gane faceplate is different on every IEM created making this a unique design for people looking for a rare listening experience with the new hybrid technology.

Ken Ball, one of the early pioneers in personal audio, is one of my favorite people to talk with and he was explaining his new and first custom made design, The Equinox. The custom fit body design incorporates a scan of the impression and then the internal acoustic chambers are incorporated into a 3D model. Right now, depending on the area you live in, it is still in Beta form and priced at $1499. I predict the Equinox will be a major success and a product many would be proud to own. With Campfire Audio’s universal IEM line, starting with the $599 Jupiter going up to the $1499 Solaris, users have a choice of exceptional earphones designed to meet any single individual listening preferences.

The portable Cascades are an exceptional closed design priced at $799 incorporating a 42mm Beryllium PVD Driver that has an exceptional soundstage. The midrange and bass were exceptional. The lightweight Cascade is a comfortable fit and easy to travel with or listen to anywhere. The treble was exceptionally detailed for a product in this category. The cymbals were sparkling and the sound was musical. The Cascade is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a light and comfortable headphone that plays well above the asking price. Impressive!!

Brain Murphy and Joe Cwik form team were on hand to do both video and still photo work at this years CanJam NYC. Always great to see both of these outstanding friends and catch up.

Jude Mansilla, one of the earliest pioneers and founder of and CanJam Global, continues to innovate and inspire with his work at and his efforts to grow the community are inspiring. CanJam Global’s Shows and local member meets are a way to hear exceptional personal audio products all in one room or venue. Jude is responsible for creating events that inspire friendship and always are exciting to attend. I met Jude for the first time 10 years ago at a NY meet and he continues to participate in meets and events and has made lasting friendships with many of the members. Looking forward to seeing Jude at the next show.

The Audio-Technica’s ATH-AD2000Xs, priced at $1999, are exceptionally dynamic and open sounding. The lightweight design is dynamic and has an exceptional soundstage. The ATH-AP2000Ti is a closed design offering exceptional transparency and is priced at $1495. The comfort is exceptional and can be worn for long listening sessions. We will be reviewing both models in the near future. If you love transparency with detail and an uncompromised soundstage you need to hear these two terrific reference products from Audio-Technica.

Bill Poteet and Frank Doris are manning the Audio-Technica booth at Can Jam. Always a pleasure to see both of these genuine people at shows and events. Bill runs the Mid Atlantic and is based in Virginia. Frank Doris, who lives in Long Island and is frequently seen at shows working with Audio-Technica, is also a writer who had a terrific and long tenure with the Absolute sound and a musician who plays, understands and knows how products should sound and offers years of knowledge and experience in high-end audio. Both are friends of ours and we always looking forward to seeing Bill and Frank at shows.
Stay tuned for Bowei Zhao Part 4 Coverage as this is a wrap for me. Keep on Listening and see you all at our next press event or meet.
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