Noble Announces New Zephyr IEM

Noble is excited to announce that on September 4, 2020, Noble will be launching the Prestige and Custom Fit versions of Noble’s latest IEM, the Zephyr.  The Zephyr is a three driver IEM utilizing a 10mm dynamic driver and 2 Knowles BA drivers with a three-way crossover.  The Zephyr has a very natural and smooth sounding sound signature, and it has already received excellent reviews (the reviews will be released at the time of launch).  The MSRP of the Prestige Universal version is $2,300, the custom fit will start at $1,650, and the standard universal fit will be $1,450.  The Zephyr will be sold with the same packaging as the Sultan, which includes the Nanuk 903 case.  The Zephyr will be paired with Noble’s excellent 8-core cable, with standard two pin connectors (0.78mm).

The Zephyr Prestige Universal and Zephyr Custom Fit will be available prior to the launch of the standard universal model in order to meet the demand for Prestige and  Custom Fit monitors.  

With regards to our Custom Fit monitors, we are excited to announce that Noble has added a lab in the U.S., which should greatly reduce manufacturing times. 

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