Welcome back to our coverage of T.H.E. SHOW 2024, something that has always set T.H.E. SHOW apart is the inclusion of attractions other than audio and this year they had an artist selling original paintings of famous musicians set up outside T.H.E. Vinylonium ballroom.

The Audio Association/ATR Service Inc./Dejitter It/DS Audio/Durand Tonearms/Evolution Acoustics/Grimm Audio/Massif Audio Design/Miyajima/Mola Mola/Seismion/Wave Kinetics/WestminsterLab

The theme of T.H.E. SHOW this year for me seemed to be tiny speakers that sound amazing and better than their larger counterparts, and The Audio Association with their Evolution Acoustics Model One Reference Monitors ($3,780/pr) driven by a Mola Mola Kula Integrated Amplifier ($15,055 + $8,500 for DAC option + $3,000 for Phono Stage option) and source via a Grimm Audio MU1 Streamer/Roon Core ($12,500 + $630 for 8TB SSD Storage Option) using a Dejitter It Switch X Audiophile Network Switch ($3,500) and Dejitter It WiFi X Audiophile WiFi Access Point ($850) were the first to bring me to that conclusion, not only did they sound amazing, they were an incredible bargain costing less that any other component in the system (other than the WiFi Access Point) including the cables, Evolution Acoustics Speaker Cables ($12,275/9’pr), Evolution Acoustics Power Cables ($3,600/6′), and Evolution Acoustics XLR cables ($4,500/1M pr).
That is not to say that their main system down in one of the ballrooms employing the Evolution Acoustics SYSTEM 3 Loudspeakers ($129,800) with WestminsterLab Rei Monoblock Amplifiers ($32,900/pr) and WestminsterLab Quest Preamplifier ($25,100 + $5,200 optional Mono Phono Card) with the WestminsterLab Monologue Phono Stage ($13,900 w/DS phono option) was not impressive, but what actually caught my eye was the ATR-102 1/4″ Hot Rod Tape Machine (an Ampex Studio Reel to Reel with external controllers and Dolby A noise reduction, price not published) as well as the Wave Kinetics NVS Reference Black Jonathan Tinn Memorial Edition Turntable (price not published) with a Durand Tosca LE Tonearm ($34,000) and a Durand Tosca Tonearm ($18,000) sporting a DS Audio Master 3 Optical Cartridge ($9,500) with a DS Audio Ion-001 Ionizer, and a Miyajima Infinity Mono .7 Cartridge ($3,475) respectively. A Seismion Reactio 651 Isolation Platform supported the turntable and was in turn supported by a Massif Audio Design Curly Rock Maple/Macassar Audio Rack ($4,200), Massif Audio Design Turntable Platform ($400), and Massif Audio Design Turntable Platform Ebony footers with Obsidian Sphere ($800/set of 3) with matching Massif Audio Design Amp Stands ($1,200/ea).

MonAcoustic/Accuphase/Beaudioful/Metronome/Pioneer/Sanctus Sound/TriangleArt

MonAcoustic was to follow in this mold, while their MonAcoustic Platimon VC One Monitors ($6,000) and MonAcoustic Platimon VC Two Loudspeaker/Platform ($11,000) fed by an Accuphase E-700 Integrated Amplifier ($16,975) with a Metronome DSC MK2 ($28,000) and a TriangleArt Maestro Turntable ($9,000), TriangleArt L-200 MK2 Dual Mono Tube Preamplifier ($25,000), and TriangleArt Crystal Digital Controller ($2,800) as source using Sanctus Sound Cables and Accessories ($16,500) throughout all set upon a Beaudioful RÄCK Equipment Stand ($3,750) definitely sound significantly better than the YG Acoustics speakers they resemble, the tiny MonAcoustic SuperMon Mini ($2,200/pr) running off a Eversolo DMP A6 Master Edition Network Streamer/DAC ($1,299) and Peachtree Audio GaN1 Amplifier ($1,299) is what captured my heart. Also on display was a Pioneer RT 909 Reel to Reel ($5,000).

ALMA Music & Audio/Boenicke/darTZeel/Innuos/Isotek/Kubala-Sosna/Nemesis

ALMA Music & Audio was back this year with the big brother to the Boenicke W8 Loudspeakers ($8,500/pr) I loved so much in years past the Boenicke W13 SE+ Loudspeakers ($57,000/pr) running off of a darTZeel LHC-208 mk2 Integrated Amplifier/DAC/Streamer ($27,583) fed by an Innuos Statement NG Music Server ($25,000) using an Isotek Mosaic Genesis Power Conditioner ($10,000), Kubala-Sosna Cables and Nemesis Decorac Acoustic Panels ($800) with spectacular results, though I admit I was looking forward to the W8s.
PranaFidelity/E.A.R. USA/Dynavector/Helius Designs/Technics/Townshend

PranaFidelity was back with their epic PranaFidelity Dhara Loudspeakers ($9,500/pr with matching stands) and PranaFidelity purna/ma Power Amplifier ($10,000) sourced from a beautiful Helius Designs Viridia Turntable ($7,195) with a Helius Designs Omega Silver Ruby Tonearm ($5,225) fitted with a Dynavector DRT XV-1s Phono Cartridge ($5,850) through an E.A.R. 324 Phono Preamplifier ($6,095) along with a vintage Technics RS1500 Reel to Reel Tape Machine using a Townshend Allegri Reference Mk. II Preamplifier ($14,000) a system that needs to be heard to be believed.

Brane Audio

Brane Audio were demonstrating their amazing Brane Audio Brane X Smart Speaker ($599) which employs a unique dual magnet dual voice-coil subwoofer design lending it performance that eclipsed the two competing popular name-brand smart speakers they were happy to compare it to.

Hear This/Gestalt Fine Audio/Ars Machinae/Fuuga/Trafomatic Audio/Wolf von Langa

Hear This and Gestalt Fine Audio presented the jaw-dropping Wolf von Langa SON Field-Coil Loudspeakers ($19,995) fronted by an equally superb Ars Machinae M1 Turntable System ($34,900 including Lingna 12″ Tonearm and Isolation Base) with a Fuuga Moving Coil Phono Cartridge ($9,995) running through a Trafomatic Audio Luna Phono Preamplifier ($19,200) and Trafomatic Audio Rhapsody Integrated Amplifier ($21,350).
Gryphon Audio

For a change, Gryphon Audio was showing in a lit ballroom rather than a dark cave allowing for decent photos. I have been a fan of Gryphon since I first encountered them in the ’80s. On offer for your aural pleasure, this year was the new Gryphon Audio EOS 5 Loudspeaker ($49,800/pr) paired with the also new Gryphon Audio Diablo 333 Integrated Amplifier ($24,900) Gryphon featuring an Ethos CD Player ($39,800) along with a Bergmann Audio Modi turntable ($17,000) and an Innuos Statement Server ($25,000).
MC Audiotech/Shimmer Cables/Pass Labs/Wolf Audio Systems/Weiss

MC Audiotech teamed up with Shimmer Cables to demonstrate their MC Audiotech TL-12 Loudspeaker ($25,000/pr) using a Pass Labs XP-22 Preamp ($9,975) and Pass Labs XA60.8 Monoblock Amps ($14,250) with a Wolf Audio Systems Alpha 3 Music Server ($9,295), and a Weiss DAC 501 Digital to Analog Converter ($9,995). While not as interesting or three-dimensional as their MC Audiotech Forty-10 I can see the appeal to those looking for a more conventional speaker.
And that winds up Part 3 stay tuned for the conclusion of my coverage of T.H.E. SHOW 2024.
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