CanJam SoCal 2022 Coverage Sponsored by Underwood HiFi Conclusion

Sunday- Final Documentary at CanJam

Day two for me was shooting all the interesting faces and people at the show. I used the LEICA Q2 in BW and shot all these pictures. Please enjoy the fantastic faces and people at CanJam SoCal 2022.

Justin Wilson
Saran and Jonathan
WARWICK Acoustics
Alexandra from Meze
Denise from Schiit Audio
Jude Mansilla and our dear friend Moe!
Bevin from ZMF
Justin Wilson
Andy Regan President of Dan Clark Audio

Thanks to the team at CanJam for putting on a fantastic show for the ages; this concludes our coverage for the 2022 SoCal Canjam. Interesting friends who inspired me and motivate me to continue to do what we do. I am an active member of this community and love to go to shows to see my friends and make new friends. My love for personal audio continues to grow with the strong products manufacturers keep making. This was a terrific show and the best CanJam I ever attended. See you in February.

That’s all for now, stay tuned for part 7 of our extensive in-depth coverage of CanJam SoCal 2022 provided to you thanks to our good friend Walter Liederman of Underwood HiFi,, the best place to find high-end audio at affordable prices.

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Frank Iacone

Frank started his journey in high-end audio in 1978 and was quickly hooked. Frank’s passion for music and great sound reproduction is stronger than ever. His main focus is with high-end headphones and portable related gear. He is a regular contributor and is a co-founder of Headphone.Guru.


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