A T.H.E. Show Primer from your friends at Headphone.guru

T.H.E. SHOW is about to kick off its 2019 affair and we thought you might be interested in a few places that we think might be extra fun. Dates are June 7th, 8th and 9th at the beautiful Hilton Long Beach hotel at 701 Ocean Blvd in Long Beach, CA. You can visit their site at www.thehomeentertainmentshow.com

With over 200 Brands represented and 62 Demo Rooms and booths, T.H.E. SHOW presents a wonderful entertainment option on The Left Coast for music lovers, audiophiles, vinyl lovers and friends of The Audio Industry in general. Below please find a general event list.

Event List for Gallery 1
1:00 pm – Dr. Mark Waldrep
3:00 pm – Rusty Griffin
5:00 pm – Joe N Tell
7:30 pm – T.H.E. Premiere & T.H.E. Cocktail Party – Documentary World Premiere
12:00 pm – Charles Kirmuss
2:00 pm – Wayne Carter
4:00 pm – T.H.E. GOLDEN EARS – Grammy Award Winning, Multi-Platinum selling Producer Panel
7:30 pm – T.H.E. Concert – Live Reel-to-reel Recording
11:00 am – Richard Vandersteen
1:00 pm – Dr. Mark Waldrep
3:00 pm – Julian Margules

One very cool thing is this show will feature live music, as well as other incredible events. Lori Leiberman will perform on Saturday, June 8th. Please check the venue for further information on this. You will also have JOE N TELL talking about an Intro to Hifi, Friday, June 7th at 5PM in Room 507. Joe is a good guy and I think everyone will enjoy (or “enjoe”) this. Look for Techno Dad as well in room 511.

If you want to hear an all-out assault on The High End do visit the mbl room in 619. Jeremy always gets a best foot forward at shows. My advance vote for Best of Show will be Joe Cali presenting Gryphon in 435. Joe is a fabulous presenter and is passionate about audio and music. I’m sure you will enjoy a visit to his room.

Stop by and say hello to E.J. Sarmento, head honcho at Wyred 4 Sound. E.J. knows his stuff and he’s always a fun visit. E.J. will be pulling out the stops in introducing íntimo – his amazing headphone amp. This is a product I am “intimate” with having heard it for myself and it’s The Goods for real. Looks amazing too… I know E.J. is planning other goodies, but íntimo is really something very special. One extra cool factoid… íntimo has a 3-band custom eq built in. Love it. I believe E.J. will have a spectacular Intro Price. Talk to him about it. Hint for best price – tell him his kids are amazing ????.

I also urge you to stop by and visit The Good Doctor – that’s Dr. Mark Waldrep head honcho of AIX Records. Mark will have copies of his recently published 880-page “gold standard” reference book on high-end audio and music. The book comes with a Blu-ray disc containing high-resolution tracks (in stereo and surround) and demonstrations of audio formats, test tones, and mastering levels. This is a must-have. Dr. Mark tells it like it is – and he is a guy that gets it said. As well, he will have his sensational AIX Records recordings all in the booth located at Room 7 in the venue.

I know PBN is pulling out all the stops demoing their new flagship products. The heart of this system must be Peter Noerbaek’s new M2!5 loudspeakers that are beasts, to say the least. PBN will have its own system from front to back featuring their own Turntable, Amps, Preamp and DAC along with their Phono Stage as well. Mega-Buck Gear – but if we know Peter, the sound will amaze.

A must see for me would be Ocean Way and AGD Productions in room 408. These guys were my Best of Show at Axpona last month. The Ocean Way Monitors coupled to the amazing GaN-based amps from AGD and you have a system that’s sure to be a top performer at this show. News Flash here – the recordings will amaze. All done at Ocean Way, these are The Tour de Force for show playback purposes – ENJOY!

Audeze will be there in force with FOUR rooms. Booths 25, 26 along with 35 and 36 are listed as their space. Should be fun fun fun.

Audience at 603 and 604 always delivers. Say hello to John and Lenny for us here at Headphone.guru. These guys are Pros and the products are “all that” and more.

Black Cat Cable at booth 33 will have their wonderful cables and more. Chris is a true veteran of the audio industry and his knowledge will make an impression on you. I love this guy.

Constellation Audio will surely impress. Their gear is amazing and beautifully engineered and constructed. Irv Gross will put on a great show – it will be worth the visit for sure.

Elac will be represented by their local dealer (Scott Walker Audio) in rooms 330 and 334. These rooms will surely be a destination for many. I’ve heard the most recent demos of Elac’s new loudspeakers and the marvelous Audio Alchemy gear as well. In a word – WOW!

Try to get by and hear the marvelous Fritz handmade loudspeakers in room 512. Absolutely works of sonic art – and they ain’t bad to look at either. Fritz is a character and a perennial favorite.

Of course, there will be super sounds from Magico, Harbeth, Manley Labs, VPI and Vanatoo to name a few. Enjoy the show and all the fun. The venue promises to be wonderful and the audio, food, “art” and sound will be there in spades.

Best wishes,

The Audio File

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