Welcome back to our coverage of AXPONA 2024, I would like to especially thank Puron (https://hifihouse.co.uk/puron/, info@hifihouse.co.uk), and Vera-Fi Audio, manufacturer of fine loudspeakers and clever accessories much of which comprises my reference system, for kindly sponsoring our coverage.
Playback Distribution/Amphion/TEAC

A smattering of TEAC Turntables caught my eye in the Playback Distribution room who were demonstrating a pair of Amphion Krypton3x floorstanding Loudspeakers($24,000/pr), coupled with an Esoteric F-02 Integrated Amplifier ($18,000) and Esoteric N-01XD-SE network streamer ($22,000), with a TEAC TN-5BB Turntable ($1,799.00) acting as the analog front end.

GESHELLI LABS/Neil Blanchard Designs

GESHELLI LABS and Neil Blanchard Designs teamed up to show off the Neil Blanchard Designs Build-It-Yourself Tower 6 Loudspeaker and MLTL-6 Stand Mount Loudspeaker (price dependent on materials and components) with the GESHELLI LABS Dayzee DAC ($1,300), GESHELLI LABS Akitika Preamplifier (TBA), and GESHELLI LABS Akitika Amplifier (TBA).

In the GESHELLI LABS room, they were premiering the GESHELLI LABS Dayzee DAC ($1,300) with a pair of prototype GESHELLI LABS Giuseppe Monoblock Amplifiers (TBA) through a pair of Acoustic Energy 520 Loudspeakers ($4,999). In an adjacent room, they also had all of their headphone DACs and Amplifiers now featuring SparkoS chips for sampling.

Starke Sound/EverSolo

Starke Sound offered up an interesting choice of loudspeakers and subwoofers running on their own electronics using an EverSolo DMP-A8 Music Streamer ($1,980). The system I listened to consisted of the large three-way loudspeaker with the AMT drivers on top on the outside in the above image, the Starke Sound P7 High Powered Loudspeaker ($9,500/ea) with the Starke Sound A3 Three Channel Amplifier ($9,000).
Audio Thesis/Norma Audio/Rosso Fiorentino Audio/Turnbull Audio

I’ll openly admit what caught my attention in the Audio Thesis room was the beautiful Rosso Fiorentino Fiesole s2 Standmount Loudspeakers ($11,000/pr with stand) with their leather encrusted speaker stands. For electronics, they were running a Norma Audio SC-2 LN Preamplifier with DAC ($13,600), a pair of Norma Audio PA-160 MR Monoblocks ($25,000/pr), a Lumin P1 ($10,000), used as a transport only, a Silent Angel NX Switch with Forester F2 Power Supply ($4,000 and $1,700) and Turnbull Audio Prestige Cabling: Standard Power Cables ($18,500 for 4’), Source Power Cables ($12,250 for 4’), XLR ($13,000 for 3’).
SUPATRAC/Convergent Audio Technology/OePhi

Back in the ’70s, a famous turntable manufacturer said that the turntable was the most important part of the audio chain, with the idea that you can never improve upon your source. If that is true, then the tonearm is the heart of a turntable, while speed control, noise level, and isolation are important, it is the ability to properly track the record, emulating the path of the original cutting lathe that is the make-or-break of the turntable. While once again C.A.T. drew me into the room the SUPATRAC Blackbird ($3,300) mounted on the Opera Consonance WAX Engine turntable ($1,000) with an Audio-Technica AT33sa Cartridge ($769) is what impressed me. The speakers were OePhi Immanence 2 Loudspeakers ($9,000/pr) which feature the unique Purifi Woofer that has an unusual surround design to allow for faster and greater excursion. For amplification, there was the Convergent Audio Technology SL1 Legend Black Path Extreme Preamplifier with Phono Stage ($100,000) and the Convergent Audio Technology JL5 Black Path Extreme Limited Edition Amplifier ($35,000). The system was rounded out with the OePhi Reference loom ($25,000) for cables and OePhi Power Unit ($5,350).
heaven 11 audio/PureAudioProject/VPI

Another really interesting open baffle speaker and the standout budget audiophile system was the PureAudioProject TRIO10 Modular Open Baffle Speaker ($5,990/pr) which was powered by the spectacular heaven 11 audio Billie Amp MK2 ($2,000) and fronted with a wonderful VPI Super Scout Red Turntable (available as B-Stock from VPI for $3,400).

Fern & Roby Audio/Black Cat Cable/Miyajima Labs/Weiss Engineering/Roon

Fern & Roby Audio products are quite attractive and offer excellent performance, but what gave me pause upon entering their room was the signs promoting Black Cat Cable. Long-time readers will probably know that Chris Sommovigo was one of the founders of Headphone.Guru, he was also Black Cat Cable, so I for one thought that with his passing so also passed Black Cat Cable, but it appears that Fern & Roby have helped keep Black Cat Cable alive in order to assist his family. Just another reason to seriously consider Fern & Roby when you make your next audio purchase, they not only build excellent product, they are good people. The system on display consisted of a Fern & RobyAmp Audio NO. 2 Integrated Amp with MM/MC Phono ($8,500) driving a pair of Fern & Roby Audio The Raven III Loudspeakers ($8,500/pr in ash), with a Fern & Roby Audio Montrose Heirloom Turntable w/ Schröder CB Tonearm ($16,500) sporting a Miyajima Labs Carbon Stereo MC Cartridge ($3,000) for analog source and a Weiss Engineering Helios DAC ($21,995) and Roon Nucleus+ W/ 2TB SSD (2,959) on the digital side. The cables were Black Cat Cable Graceline L3 (1m) XLR ($4,995/pr), Black Cat Cable Graceline L2 (3m) Speaker ($3,595/pr), and Black Cat Cable Graceline L2 Power Cables ($3,195/ea). This was all set up on a Fern & Roby Audio Our Ash Equipment Rack ($6,500).
Aesthetix/AMG/Benz Micro/Cardas Audio/Sierra Sound/Vandersteen/ViV Laboratory

Exotic Turntables is the watchword at high-end audio shows and AMG offered up two exciting analog setups; an AMG Giro MK II Wood Turntable with AMG 9W2 Tonearm ($13,500) fitted with a Benz Micro REF-S Cartridge ($2,500) and a second Viv Laboratory Rigid Float CB-9″ Tonearme ($6,500) mounted on a Sierra Sound NAB-1 Tonearm Platform ($500) fitted with a Benz Micro SLR Gullwing Cartridge ($3,500), and an AMG Viella Turbo w/ 12JT Turbo Tonearm and Oiled Cherry Wood Skirt ($23,000) fitted with a Benz Micro LP-S Cartridge ($5,000), and an AMG 12J12 Tonearm mounted on an AMG Fortissimo Auxiliary Tonearm Base ($3,000) with a Benz Micro ACE SL Mono Cartridge. For electronics, they were using an Aesthetix Rhea Signature Phono Stage ($10,000) into an Aesthetix Pallene Line Stage ($6,500) into an Aesthetix Dione Power Amplifier ($7,500) driving a pair of Vandersteen Treo CT Loudspeakers ($10,690/pr). The cables were Cardas Clear and AMG (by Cardas) Phono Cables with a Cardas Nautilus Power Strip ($2,000).

Lyngdorf Audio/Steinway Lyngdorf

I normally don’t approve of full spectrum room EQ for HiFi as individual channel equalization of frequencies over 200Hz destroys the soundstage (as musicians play different frequencies the image will bounce back and forth since direct radiated sound will always arrive at the ear first and at a higher amplitude than reflected sound), but Lyngdorf’s RoomPerfect Room Correction System works in the time domain rather than frequency, maintaining proper linear phase. And as the name Steinway Lyngdorf implies, their design and build quality are at the peak of German engineering. On demonstration was the Lyngdorf Audio CUE-100 Loudspeaker ($10,999/ea) featuring the same Purifi driver technology mentioned above, and the Lyngdorf Audio MP-60 2.1 Processor ($14,999) going through a Lyngdorf Audio TDAI-3400 Integrated Amplifier ($7,999). On static display was a Steinway & Sons Model S-15 Loudspeaker ($2,700).

Haniwa Audio

Haniwa Audio’s HSP01 Type U Speakers have an oddly industrial look to them and are reminiscent of my own point source speakers, matched with two Haniwa Audio subwoofers and the Haniwa Audio HDSA01 Integrated Digital System Amplifier, the Haniwa Audio ThePlayer Turntable with the Haniwa Audio HCTR-CO MarkII Cartridge and Haniwa Audio HCVC01 Current to Voltage Coverter, and Haniwa Audio Phono Preamp the system sells for $60,000.

That concludes part 6 of our ongoing coverage of AXPONA 2024 thanks to Puron (https://hifihouse.co.uk/puron/, info@hifihouse.co.uk), and Vera-Fi Audio, and the end of my personal coverage, stay tuned for Lee Shelly’s coverage, we saved some of the best for last.

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