Since Chord Electronics was founded in 1989, the company has sought to introduce groundbreaking technologies in the world of high-end audio. From the launch of the DAC 64 over 20 years ago to the introduction of the QuteHD, and now the Hugo, Chord has helped pave the future for high quality digital audio.

The Chord Hugo rides on the history of a well respected British audio company and a slew of new innovations, including PCM and DSD 64 + 128 playback, Bluetooth connectivity, 24 bit, 384 kHz resolution, and the ability to drive any headphone with an included pre-amp/headphone amplifier section. The Hugo is a product designed for a 21st century audiophile, one who desires the highest quality of reproduced digital sound, whether inside or outside the home. And this is exactly what Chord has achieved with the Hugo.

The DAC section in the Hugo uses a Field programmable gate array (or FPGA, for short). This is where the Hugo differs from most DAC’s, as the chipset is a completely unique design. Instead of outsourcing a DAC chip from another company, such as Wolfson or Texas Instruments, the chip in the Hugo was designed in-house by Chord. Through designing the chip-set themselves, Chord have been able to tailor the specifications to a small, compact device – some of features include; SPDIF decoding, USB timing, WTA filtering, DSD decoding and filtering, volume control, crossfeed control, noise shaping, along with converting the digital signal to analog. This allows engineer Rob Watts to program algorithms using his Watts transient aligned digital filter (WTA) to achieve that signature Chord sound. This amount of control allows for great flexibility, especially in terms of tweaks or future upgrades.

When reading a digital file, the FPGA uses a noise shaper and preceding filter that can accept 44.1KHz CD quality or higher signal. Once the signal is received the DAC will then up-sample and re-model the original waveform by “inserting” information at intervals along the digital samples at an impressive 32 times per clock cycle. By implementing this technology, Chord Electronics have managed to move away from the sharp and edgy sound of most digital sources to a more refined presentation of warmth, smoothness, and detail.

Chord Hugo2074_scr

the Chord Hugo, I wasn’t too impressed. I thought that a device so small and dinky looking surely wouldn’t accompany a top end audiophile rig. But in person, the build quality is exceptional and impressive. The Hugo is wrapped in precision cut aluminum and is solid. All interconnects are robustly fitted and are thankfully included along the sides of the device. However, there is a slightly goofy feel to the design and I think this is one of the shortcomings of the Hugo, albeit a small one. I just don’t think that it looks like a $2000 piece of equipment. The see-through plexiglass and light-up LED aesthetic is one that makes sense with the larger Chord products, but in my opinion, falls short with the Hugo.

Yet, the Hugo’s compact build makes it one of the best, if not the best portable DAC/amplifier on the market. I traveled by bus with my laptop/Hugo and the performance was excellent. The battery life for a device that packs so much versatility is truly astounding, thanks to the new Xilinx chips that can run with less than 0.7 volts. When I compare Hugo’s DAC and amplifier section to any of the portable devices that I have heard, such as Fiio’s E11 E17 and E7, the results are laughable. But it should be, given the price difference.

ChordHugo_IN WHT(1)

The real strength of the Chord Hugo is, of course, the sound. And the sound is amazing.

A short time ago I had a chance to hear the NAD M51 and Twister Pear Buffalo DAC2. Both of these are considered good sounding DAC’s, especially the NAD. I actually auditioned the NAD on four different occasions and each time spent at least six hours listening. At the time, I was comparing the NAD to my Arcam rDAC and I found it hard to hear huge improvements. As the hours went on I began to hear slightly more detail and an overall smoother presentation. I remember being shocked at the time because the NAD is five times the price of the Arcam, so in the end I decided that the differences were too small to justify the purchase.

Because of my experience while testing DAC’s, I was expecting similar results with the Chord Hugo. I had come to the conclusion that the differences between DAC’s are minimal, regardless of price. I was horribly wrong.

The differences between the Chord Hugo and the Arcam rDAC are huge. The improvement in quality is instant, something that I did not experience with the NAD. When I compare the two, the RDAC sounds like a bloated mess. The Hugo’s staging and imaging abilities are far above that of the rDAC. The bass in the Hugo is tight and controlled, while the rDAC’s bass is loose and flabby. There is naturalness to the Hugo that the Arcam cannot compete with. Compare the 26,000 taps in the Hugo to the rDAC’s sub 300 taps and it starts to become apparent why the differences are so drastic. In fact, the Hugo has more taps than any other DAC yet developed.

The amplifier section of the Hugo surprised me nearly as much as the DAC section. While comparing it to my Woo Audio WA2, I was surprised at how close it came in performance to the Woo. I used the Senheiser HD800 and Beyerdynamic T1 for most of my listening. The Hugo had great synergy with the HD800. The most noticeable difference between the Hugo’s amp section and the WA2 was a slight harshness to the Hugo’s treble. That’s to be expected considering the WA2 is a tube amp and probably the most romantic sounding of the Woo Audio line. The WA2 has a larger soundstage, but the Hugo’s sound can be slightly more detailed, given the right song. It’s not that you can hear more coming through the Hugo than you can with the WA2, but it seems that with certain tracks the Hugo can convey particular sounds with more accuracy.

During my first week of listening I didn’t find the need to plug in the WA2 because the Hugo’s amplifier was so fulfilling. Halfway through my second week I started to use the Hugo as a DAC and running it into the WA2. This was the set-up that dominated my listening thereafter. Although the amp section in the Hugo competes with the WA2, I prefer the WA2. The Chord Hugo is extremely close to an end game system, especially with an HD800 or T1. Even with my WA2 maxed out with upgraded tubes (TS 5998 – Jan Silvania 7308 – RFT EZ80) the Hugo’s amp almost matches the WA2’s performance. I also had a chance to hear both the Senheisser HDVA 600 and 800 while I had the NAD M51 and the Hugo’s amp section is on a par with both of these. Although I found the HDVD800 a tad smoother sounding, the Hugo has an assertiveness that I prefer.

chord 5 (2 of 5)

The music coming out of the Hugo sounded simply incredible. From Wynton Marsalis’ “Sophie Rose Rosealee” where I could hear every movement of the brushes on the drum kit and the actual breathing of the players, to the weighty synths of Parliament Funkadelic’s “Knee Deep”, where the backup singers were so accurate that it was as if they were standing beside me. Every possible detail in a recording that was hiding within a recording was easily relayed by the Hugo, and with an authority that leaves you nothing short of stunned. One of the most impressive moments with the Hugo happened while listening to Han Nang Chan’s rendition of Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto No.1 (Cadenza). Not only did I hear the movements of her hands up and down the neck of the cello, but her moving in her chair. And perhaps most impressive was the representation of her bowing, every subtlety was captured and revealed with astonishing clarity.

Simply put, the Chord Hugo is the finest DAC that I have ever heard. It also sports one of the best headphone amplifiers I have ever experienced. The Hugo can reveal details in music that I never thought possible. Build quality is excellent, and even though I am not a the biggest fan of it’s appearance, the sound more than makes up for its aesthetic shortcomings. Couple that with the fact that it is one of the best portable Amp/DAC’s in the world and you have a product that is hard to beat at any price.

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Paddy Carroll

I got into headphones 13 years ago, when I was 15. I was driving my parents crazy blaring music at all hours. My mom bought me a pair of ministry of sound over-ear headphones and I never looked back.

  • Frank iacone
  • 2017-02-24 08:43:00
  • Thew unit can be left in to the wall I recommend using the battery when it is charged since it sounds better in my opinion while using the battery.
  • Reply

  • Kook Min Kim
  • 2017-02-23 23:37:00
  • Can it be used as a desktop amp/dac? I mean can I just leave the charger in it and use it as my desktop setup permanently? Or does the battery die to quickly even when plugged in to use it as a desktop solution?
  • Reply

  • Sanjeewa Samaranayake
  • 2016-12-21 17:26:00
  • Please take reviews by this buy with a Pinch of salt. He said Schiit yoggie is the best. Now Chord Dave. Not sure what benefits these review sites get. Please note that I do not have any Schitt products. I did some research by reaching out to people who has these high end units (including Dave) and some has sold them already. I asked them to provide a % differences. It is stunning to know that AU$900 Mojo and A$12000 unit only would have 5-10% difference. Rest is synergy with Amp and headphones and flavour difference and nothing else. It is very sad to see that every time a review is done reader feels that they are looking at the best unit. Often the various pairing and synergy which is the most important for high end gear is not discussed. I accept that is it difficult to redo the reviewed when new gear is reviewed to correct words like the best I have heard ...... At least if the site later add raking system from 1-10 rating on different dimensions then people would not be mislead It is very sad to see the Dac/Amps with 5-10% difference but cost 4 times are promoted as if they are multiple times different
  • Reply

  • Ab
  • 2015-10-09 09:16:00
  • is it real that hugo has no depth ?
  • Reply

  • Wayne Swan
  • 2014-11-08 23:21:19
  • At first I thought that the amount asked for the Hugo was insane but the more I read the more I realise that it isn't so crazy. It is an all in one proposition that can hold it's own with separate rigs costing somewhat more as a total package. Great article, makes me want to sell a kidney or something to get one!
  • Reply

  • Smoking Robot
  • 2014-11-08 13:55:43
  • It is just not intuitively obvious that this tiny little box can be better than a good full-size dac and better than a full-size tube amp. And yet apparently it is? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that...
  • Reply

  • Frank Iacone
  • 2014-10-07 11:24:34
  • I have both but it is an expensive proposition. The Hugo is an awesome dac and works really well with the AK240 . I would see which one you think you need more. I like the AK240 for use in planes and travel and in the car plus my daily gym regiment. Either Way you can buy one and add the second at any point. No bad choices either way.
  • Reply

  • Jeff
  • 2014-10-05 06:15:54
  • Nice! I'm in a "bad" place though. I was going to buy the AK240 until people started talking about the Hugo. I can get the 240 or the Hugo for just about the same price. I really cannot decide!
  • Reply

  • 2014-10-02 00:43:05
  • Matti--for what it's worth, I have found the Hugo to be an excellent pairing with our in-ear monitors and I believe that would hold true for those from other companies as well. We have several Hugos and always use them to demo our offerings at the various shows we attend.
  • Reply

  • Eric Neff
  • 2014-09-19 08:59:08
  • Paddy that was a great review! I am anxious to get some time with the Hugo. A bit nervous too...Pricey little thing!
  • Reply

  • Matti
  • 2014-09-19 00:40:10
  • Ah, another Chord Hugo review where it's used to drive high-impedance flagship headphones. That's great and all, but what I really want to know is how it drives ultra-sensitive custom in-ears like the Jerry Harvey or FitEar offerings, especially with regards to noise-floor/background. The Hugo supposed to be a high-end portable DAC, so I don't think it's unreasonable to pair it with a high-end portable headwear.
  • Reply

  • Paddy Carroll
  • 2014-09-15 21:32:47
  • Thanks Peter it means a lot coming from you.
  • Reply

  • Peter
  • 2014-09-15 21:01:50
  • Great write up Paddy! I really want to hear the Hugo and you're article really has me very curious now.
  • Reply

  • Mel
  • 2014-09-15 16:02:27
  • Immaculate writing and effective salesmanship! Looking forward to more of your reviews.
  • Reply

  • Paddy Carroll
  • 2014-09-15 15:17:18
  • Thanks for all the comments guys.
  • Reply

  • Bart
  • 2014-09-15 15:09:05
  • Excellent use cases.. Hugo shines the best on specific source material.Im still trying to figure out how to rip a redbook through the Hugo while remaining in a mBp domain..anyone?
  • Reply

  • Eamonn leahy
  • 2014-09-15 13:45:27
  • Great review Paddy, excellent description of the Chord Hugo and its capabilities, look forward to reading more.
  • Reply

  • Lucy
  • 2014-09-15 13:23:13
  • Great review very detailed! I know someone who is gonna love this! Thanks!
  • Reply

  • linda
  • 2014-09-15 12:45:19
  • Great article well done
  • Reply

  • Scott Hicks
  • 2014-09-15 12:25:27
  • Paddy what a great review! I love my Hugo and so does my Wife! The first time I heard a Hugo I was hooked, first thing that got me was the grip it held on the bass and the natural sounding midrange.
  • Reply

  • Paddy Carroll
  • 2014-09-15 12:22:08
  • Thanks frank. It was great fun - the Hugo is amazing especially as a DAC.
  • Reply

  • Frank Iacone
  • 2014-09-15 07:45:00
  • Paddy-this was well done. Proud to have you on our team. Exciting read and agree with you as I love my Hugo.
  • Reply

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