Welcome back for the conclusion of our multi-part in-depth coverage of The Home Entertainment Show 2022 once again thanks to our good friend Walter Liederman of Underwood HiFi, https://www.underwoodhifi.com/, the best place to find high-end audio at affordable prices, for his magnanimous support in sponsoring our show coverage. As T.H.E. Show caters to the Personal Audio community as well as the two-channel loudspeaker community, we will be running these reports on both Headphone.Guru and HiFiAudio.Guru simultaneously.
Wynn Audio/Kalista/Métronome Technologie/Thrax/Karan Acoustics/Vimberg/Entreq
Wynn Audio is a dealer from Canada who were showing a pleasant system comprised of a Kalista DreamPlay X CD Transport ($68,800), a Métronome AQWO DAC/CD Player ($20,000), a Thrax Dionysos Silver preamplifier ($19,600), a Karan Acoustics POWERa Stereo Amplifier ($53,000), Vimberg Amea Bookshelf speakers ($18,000/pair), and an Entreq Olympus Infinity T Ground box ($4,900).

SVS Sound R|Evolution
SVS was actually the last room that I visited because the crowd was always too large for me to get into their main showroom where they were demonstrating a full surround sound system. They were also one of the loudest sounds at the show for obvious reasons, and at least they had an excuse for keeping us in the dark. The system consisted of two SVS SB-3000 Subwoofers ($2,099.99/pair), SVS Prime Pinnacle Speakers ($899.99/pair), SVS Prime Bookshelf Speakers ($299.99/pair), an SVS Ultra Center Speaker ($799.99), and SVS Prime Elevation Speakers ($249.99). Also on display were a pair of SVS Prime Wireless Powered Speakers ($599.99) and an SVS 3000 Micro Subwoofer ($899.99).

High End By Oz/United Home Audio/Thrax/Vitus Audio/Hifistay/Verity Audio
The first thing to catch your eye visiting the High End By Oz (a distributor based out of L.A. who represents Thrax, Vitus Audio, and Hifistay) room is the United Home Audio SuperDeck Reel to Reel Tapedeck ($89,998). Equally impressive were the Thrax Spartacus 300 (Mono) Triode Tube Amps ($75,600/pair), Verity Audio Sarastro MkII Speakers ($65,000/pair), Thrax Audio Libra 300B preamp ($67,000), and Vitus Audio SCD 25 MkII ($26,400).

Cake Audio/CAD/Kuzma/Verity Audio
Out of San Clemente dealer Cake Audio offered up a selection of their finest products, a Kuzma Stabi R Turntable with a Kuzma Stogi Reference 313 CE Tonearm ($18,139) and Dynavector XV-1T ($9,450), a Vitus SP-103 Phono Stage ($39,600), a Vitus RI-101 MkII Integrated Amplifier ($18,000), Verity Otello Loudspeakers ($19,345), a Computer Audio Design (CAD) Music Server ($15,000), Computer Audio Design 1543 DAC ($12,000), and a Computer Audio Design GC1 Ground Control ($1,995)

Known for their exotic looking turntables, TriangleArt had intended to run an all TriangleArt show from cables to speakers, but apparently, shipping issues meant their speakers did not arrive so Usher Grand Tower Loudspeakers ($39,490/pair) were substituted. The rest of their display included a TriangleArt Maestro Turntable ($7500) with a TriangleArt Horus 12″ Tonearm ($4000) and TriangleArt Zeus MC Cartridge ($4000), a TriangleArt Anubis ($15,000) also with a TriangleArt Horus 12″ Tonearm and TriangleArt Zeus MC Cartridge, and a TriangleArt Master Reference ($39,990) with a TriangleArt Osiris Diamond 12″ ($8000) and TriangleArt Apollo MC ($8000), a TriangleArt P200 Tube Phono Stage ($15,000), a TriangleArt L200 Reference Tube Preamplifier ($20,000), TriangleArt M100 tube monoblocks ($25,000/pair), and a TriangleArt RA Ultimate AC power filter ($11,000).

Jamie Audio
Jamie Audio was back this time showing their floor-standing Jamie Audio Aurora Loudspeaker (TBA) along with their Jamie Audio Infinity/influential (bookshelf) Speaker ($9,800/pair).

Katli Audio/Audience/Cocktail Audio/Conrad-Johnson/Esoteric/Usher
Katli Audio a dealer out of Chino, California were showing a Conrad-Johnson ET-7 S-II Tube Preamp ($13,500) and Conrad-Johnson 40th Anniversary ART-150 Stereo Amplifier ($21,500) driving Usher’s ML-801 Loudspeakers ($11,950/pair); a Cocktail Audio’s X-45Pro music server ($5995) and an Esoteric N-05XD network player/streamer/preamp ($11,000) served as source with an Audience aR6-T power conditioner ($4800) providing power.

PranaFidelity/EAR USA/Helius Designs/Townshend
PranaFidelity were proud enough of the sound they were getting from their new PranaFidelity Dhara Speakers ($7,950/pair) driven by their PranaFidelity purna/ma Stereo Amplifier ($9950) with the Helius Designs Viridia turntable ($7195), Omega tonearm $3,695), and Audio Technica AT-OC9XSH cartridge ($649) through the EAR USA model 324 Phono Preamp ($6,095) and their PranaFidelity purna/ca Preamplifier ($5,950) that they put it on a banner beside the actual system. Also on display were an EAR USA’s Acute Classic CD Player ($6,795) and Townshend Allegri Reference Mk.II Preamp ($14,000).

On A Higher Note/Moso Art Gallery/Graham Audio/Moonriver Audio/Bergmann Audio/Artesania Audio
Always taking it to the next level, On A Higher Note paired up with Moso Art Gallery to provide thought-provoking art in the anteroom to their sound room where they were debuting Graham Audio LS5/5f Loudspeakers ($24,995/pair) using a Moonriver 404 Reference Integrated Amplifier ($5550). Musical source included a luscious air-bearing platter Bergmann Audio Modi Turntable and Bergmann Thor air-bearing, Linear Tracking Tonearm ($17.000) with a Hana ML cartridge ($1200) as well as a vintage Revox/SonorouS PR99 reel-to-reel.

Aurender had their entire lineup on display with plexiglass tops so you could see their inner workings and discover for yourself the differences including their flagship Aurender N30SA two chassis Music Server ($24,000) which made an appearance in quite a lot of the rooms around the show.

That concludes our coverage of T.H.E. Show 2022 and I would like to extend special thanks to Maurice and the gang for providing such an exciting experience as well as Underwood HiFi, https://www.underwoodhifi.com/, for making this coverage possible.

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