Welcome back for the conclusion of my coverage of T.H.E. Show 2023, I would like to give a shout-out to Enjoy the Music.com who is one of the sponsors of the show and has been kind enough to share this coverage with their readers. I had a great time and look forward to T.H.E. Show’s expanded lineup of Las Vegas and Denver in the future.
Gryphon Audio Designs / Artesania / Bergmann Audio / Joseph Cali Systems Design / MSB Technology / Shunyata Research / Vicoustic Acoustics

Gryphon was demonstrating their impressive Gryphon Trident II Loudspeakers ($139,500/pr) with their Gryphon Apex Amplifier ($103,500), Gryphon Commander Preamplifier and Gryphon Commander PSU ($67,000), Gryphon Legacy SA Phono Preamplifier ($23,000), and Gryphon Ethos CD Player ($39,800) along with Gryphon Cables and Stands. For source, they used a Bergmann Audio Modi turntable ($17,000) and an Innuos Statement Server ($21,700) through an MSB Reference DAC ($54,500) via an MSB Select Digital Director ($27,500). Power was supplied by a Shunyata Everest 8000 Power Conditioner ($9,900) and Shunyata Typhon T2 Power Conditioner ($5,500).


Tucked away in a far corner of the Lobby Level was Linkwitz, a DIY gone good, speaker designer/manufacturer with their Linkwitz LX521.4MG Full Turn-Key Speaker System ($26,900 – includes 2 PowerBox 6pro Ncore 5 channel active crossover/amplifiers, and Custom OFC speaker cables). A beautiful Basis 2500 Signature Turntable ($21,995) with a Basis Vector 4 Tonearm ($8,195) and Basis Syncro-Wave Power Supply ($3,600) through a Pass Labs XP-27 Phono Preamplifier ($12,075) acted as source.

PranaFidelity / E.A.R. / Furutech / Helius Designs / Townshend Audio

Pranafidelity demonstrated just how much placement, volume level, and music choice play in creating a proper sound stage with their PranaFidelity Dhyana Loudspeaker (19,500/pr) and PronaFidelity purna/ma Amplifier ($10,500) being fed by a Helius Designs Virida Turntable ($7,195) and Helius Designs Omega Tonearm ($3,695) with an Audio Technica AT-OC9XSH Phono Cartridge ($649) through an E.A.R. model 324 Phono Preamplifier ($6,095) into a Townshend Audio Allegri Reference Mk. II Preamplifier ($14,000). As a special treat, they also demonstrated the system using an E.A.R. modified Technics RS1500 Reel to Reel Tape Deck (N/A).
ATC Loudspeakers / Audiophile Zone / Perfect-Bit / Playback Designs / Synergistic Research

Synergistic Research were showing their line of products using a Perfect-Bit AX Music Server ($12,000) through a Playback Designs MPD 6 DAC ($15,000) with a Mutec REF 10 Master Clock ($4,999) and SoTM tX-USB Ultra Reclocker ($1,190) into an AGD Productions Alto Preamp ($4,999) and AGD Productions Tempo Power Amp ($5,500) into a pair of ATC SCM 40 Loudspeakers ($5,999/pr).

Usher / Cardas Audio / Cocktail Audio / Esoteric / Pass Labs

Always impressive Usher ML-802 Loudspeakers ($16,550/pr) driven by a Pass Labs X-250.8 Power Amp ($10,500) and Pass Labs INT-60 Integrated Amp ($9,450) was fed by a Pass Labs XP-22 Preamp ($9,975) with a cocktailAudio X45Pro ($5,950) into an Esoteric N-05XD DAC ($11,000).


For the home theater enthusiast, SVS Sound was showing their complete SVS Prime Pinnacle Tower Surround System including an SVS Ultra Center Speaker ($799.99), SVS Prime Pinnacle Tower Speakers ($899.99/ea), and two Prime Elevation Speakers ($249.99/ea) for surround which was matched up with their SVS SB-3000 Subwoofer ($1,099.99/ea). They were also demonstrating their new SVS Prime Wireless Pro Powered Speakers ($899.99/ea) with HDMI input to enable them to replace a soundbar for true stereo sound, plus a subwoofer out for thumping bass.
Audio Note

Audio Note was presenting a simple but unique single manufacturer system starting with their Audio Note TT Three Turntable with PSU3 ($16,531) and Audio Note IO1 Moving Coil Cartridge ($5,028) through an Audio Note AN-S4L Step Up Transformer to an Audio Note Meishu Phono Tonmeister Silver Integrated Amplifier ($19,300) to drive Audio Note AN-E/SPe HE Speakers ($3,200/pr) utilizing all Audio Note cables.


Another top-down manufacturer though a bit more shouty, a bit more form over function, and a lot more rich to the pocketbook was TriangleArt. The display consisted of the TriangleArt Maestro Turntable ($9000), TriangleArt Anubis Turntable ($18,000), and TriangleArt Ultimate SE Turntable ($48,000) with selected tonearms; the TriangleArt Osiris Diamond 12″ ($9,000) and TriangleArt Horus 12″ ($4,400), as well as phono cartridges; the TriangleArt Apollo MC ($9,000) and TriangleArt Zeus MC ($4,800) through a TriangleArt P200 Tube Phonostage ($18,000), TriangleArt L200 MK2 Tube Linestage ($25,000), and a pair of TriangleArt M100 Tube Monoblocks ($25,000/pr) using a TriangleArt RA Ultimate AC Power Filter ($11,990), TriangleArt Rhea Reference Interconnects ($3,000), TriangleArt Rhea Reference Power cords ($3,000), and TriangleArt Rhea Reference Speaker cables ($6,000) to drive a pair of TriangleArt Metis Loudspeakers ($59,999).
Wavetouch Audio

Wavetouch Audio was once again demonstrating their unusual Wavetouch Audio Antero Loudspeakers ($9,500), a two-way speaker with an AMT tweeter and small diffusers at the core of each driver, which they drove with an Oppo Blue-ray player (discontinued) and Bakoon Products AMP-7511 Anniversary Model High Resolution Power Amplifier (discontinued).
Klipsch Heritage / Pathos Acoustics / Upscale Audio

The last thing I expected to see in a small hotel room was a pair of Klipsch Heritage Klipschorn AK6 75th Anniversary Premium Loudspeakers ($12,499/ea). Without the requisite 32′ of wall space I am not sure this was an ideal environment for these classic super efficient horn speakers. Driving them with an admittedly gorgeous 100 Watt Pathos InPol Legacy Integrated Amplifier ($49,995) seemed a bit excessive for a speaker whose designer lamented the dearth of great 1 Watt amplifiers.
That concludes my coverage of T.H.E. Show 2023 stay tuned for my coverage of CanJam Chicago 2023 on Headphone.Guru which I am off to tomorrow.
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