First in a Series of NEW
Budget-Class Reference Products
Introductory Priced at $799
Walter Liederman and Underwood Hifi announces an Incredible Full-Featured High Res DAC with remote controlled Preamp and Headphone Amp that has both Vacuum Tube Outputs as well as Solid State – you choose Your Voice and Musical Style.

Liederman went on to explain – This is the type of high value product that Underwood is all about. It exemplifies our new mantra of Value Innovation in High End Audio. The Discovery Series is all about introducing audiophiles to quality at down to earth prices. This DAC/Control Center is now shipping. This will be followed up shortly with a Peter Madnick Designed MM/MC Phono Stage and a then a Volumio-Powered Music Streamer. These products will tip the scales in Budget Reference for these product groups. Please do not think for a moment that we forgot a Power Amp to complete the Discovery Series. In the same package you will soon see a NEW Class D, Wide-Bandwidth 150 watt per channel Stereo Power Amp (350 watts in mono) that in a word is INCREDIBLE.
We are really excited about these products. It is these lower priced items that require a special discipline that our teams have. These are many of the Designers and Product Planners from the original Audio Alchemy from the early 90’s. These guys knew how to set the market on fire with Budget Reference products that have stood the test of time.

A bit more about the DPH-1
An XMOS asynchronous USB input is just the beginning. The DPH-1 has an array of four Digital Inputs using the Dream Team Chip Set of the AKM AK4118 Digital Input Receiver and the AK 4495 DAC (one of our favorites). It decodes PCM to 24/192k as well as DSD. This full-featured Preamp Control Center is complete with a Rotary Encoder Volume Control and has both tube and solid state single ended outputs. The tube buffer stage is based on a GE NOS tube. Both outputs can even be run simultaneously into an amplifier or line-in enabled integrated amp to give you both solid state and tube sonics.
With our Internet Direct Pricing Strategy, we were able to include an R-core based Power Supply, audiophile grade caps from WIMA of Germany and Solen from France as well as Dale resistors from the USA. In addition to USB, coax and optical inputs we even included a BNC input.

DPH-1 and the just released
HP-3 NOVA Headphones from LSA
This package is only $1299.00
shipped anywhere worldwide!
Underwood Hifi has been at your service for 21 years. We are an Internet Direct / Low Overhead Business which allows us to bring the absolute best products to market at the best possible pricing. We own Living Sounds Audio, Emerald Physics and Core Power Technologies A/V and each of these product lines exemplifies our core philosophy of Value Innovation in High End Audio offering Great Products at Great Prices with unparalleled Customer Service. We manufacture them and sell them to end users at typical dealer cost. We also Distribute Brands like Pure Audio Labs in the USA as well as selling high value brands like Black Ice Audio, Carver, Spread Spectrum Technologies, Wyred 4 Sound, and many others as shown on our website.
Underwood Hifi / Living Sounds Audio
Contact Walter Liederman / 770.667.5633 underwoodwally@aol.com
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