The Shanghai show was an amazing display of the world’s best personal audio products. CanJam Global Producer EthanOpolian and Jude Mansilla once again produced the world’s best headphone show. Anson Chan and his team were well-organized spoke great English and helped me get to this show by arranging our show sponsors.
Shanghai is both a modern and old city relished with excellent infrastructure, architecture and amazing people. The Chinese people are friendly and welcoming and always made me feel at home. The folks at Artvano, Moondrop, and S.M.S.L were happy to see worldwide coverage for this show and we thank them for making this press coverage for this possible with their support and kindness.
Anson Chan had both Dylan and Tom helping me with press conferences and also with transportation and both were excellent with good English and made my visit exciting and enjoyable.

HiFiman was making a statement in the morning press conference with the TWS 600 IEM introduction.

Dr. Fang Bian founder of Hifiman was discussing the TWS 600 priced at $199 and a Headphone.Guru Product of the Year in the United States.
Employing a Nanoparticle coating it uses an advanced voice coil, has 5.5-hours of Bluetooth playing time and comes with a 33-hour charging case. The design is feature-packed and waterproof.

DUNU CEO starting the seminar by introducing the LUNA IEM. The new design from DUNU is using all beryllium in the design which will be in production in early December and introduced at the NY CanJam in February 2020. Priced at $1699 it is the new reference for DUNU.

DUNU has partnered with China’s leading industrial designer and long-time audiophile Moses Xu and his team for the LUNA. Xu previously worked with DUNU on one of their other IEMs. The name LUNA according to DUNU represents a heavenly pearlescent gift from the gods. Made from all rolled beryllium drivers and working to get the best performance the new LUNA design is a first in IEM construction and a promising musical design that is exciting and bold.

AUDIOFLY’s Room was featuring live music both days, spaced with shows starting every 15 minutes and lasting 45 minutes which were attracting many show-goers. AUDIOFLY based in Australia is known for their fine Pro and Consumer IEMs

The entertainment getting ready to start the show and still on his 15-minute break. The crowds were filling the seats at the show and appreciated the music and effort that AUDIOFLY took to put on some great entertainment.

Dan Clark Audio was showing the VOCE the Electrostatic Reference headphone paired with the Blue Hawaii from HeadAmp. Dollar for the dollar the best electrostatic system in the world. Price for the VOCE is $2999 and Blue Hawaii priced at $6000 paired with the Chord Dave DAC and Transport is has unequaled transparency and is dynamic with textured deep bass and an extended shimmering treble. The end game system is one of the best personal audio systems in the world and Dan Clark’s years of research and development paid off with the amazing VOCE with exceptional musicality and tonality of instruments.

Dr. Tony Pothitos, a psychologist residing in China and also having an e-magazine in Greece, was talking about the effect that music has on people and how it stimulates the brain.

The technology and testing medical researches have done, show that older people with Alzheimers and Dementia come back to life while listening to the music of the past with headphones. I was in awe of what Dr. Pothitos was talking about and saw the film with people in nursing homes and hospitals being revived when they were exposed to listening to music with headphones. Many hospitals and nursing homes have portable listening devices and headphones for people to enjoy. Bravo a terrific educational experience for me as well as meeting Dr. Pothitos.

FiiO was showing its M11 and M11 Pro players. FiiO is known for offering the best in sound, dollar for dollar. The sound of the FiiO M11 is very musical with excellent dynamic range and noise floor, offering a large soundstage and an image that doesn’t waver. The clarity of the midrange is exceptional and the bass is tight and well-controlled with good extension. It is offered at $449 and a Headphone.Guru Product of the Year for 2019.
The FiiO M11 is a step up in features and performance over their previous players, just get a load of what it has to offer: Samsung Exynos 7872 SoC – Flagship main chipset. Two-way Bluetooth with LDAC – Transmission of all Bluetooth formats including SBC/aptX/aptX HD/LDAC/LHDC Bluetooth + reception of lossless Bluetooth supporting SBC and LDAC.Bluetooth / single-ended / balanced / line output / USB digital (including DSD128, Dop/D2P, and native DSD)/ coaxial digital and much more included in the design.

The waiting list for listing to the new DUNU LUNA priced at $1699 was over 50 long at most times during the show. The DUNU booth was loaded with anxious music lovers wanting to listen to the all Beryllium designed reference modern design from the folks at DUNU. Stay tuned for more to come in the near future on this exciting new product.

Shenzen Audio is one of the largest online companies representing Chinese brands in the world. If you are looking for the best in affordable or reference personal audio, Shenzhen Audio has the major and affordable Chinese products you can purchase online. Representing over 60 Chinese companies offering headphones, amplifiers, and DACs, Shenzen Audio has a stellar reputation and delivers what they promise. The products shown below represent the best of China and are terrific values. Below are some of the finest Chinese Products that Shenzen carries online and in their Shenzen store.

Ethan Opolian Can Jam Global Producer and me in Old Shanghai. We had great food saw excellent shops and met great people.

Tom our trusted guide who spoke English and helped me during this China visit was an outstanding young man who got around Shanghai and at the show was a big help.

Cloris Gee the marketing Director for Shenzen Audio was an amazing resource at the show. I saw Cloris all over the show as the companies Shenzen Audio sell are an amazing potpourri of products committed to providing the best of China to worldwide music lovers. Shenzen Audio was a great resource for our team at the Shanghai show.
Cloris was helpful with where to go and what products we should see in addition to the Shenzhen Audio booth. We covered extensively the products they carry and highly recommend Shenzen Audio for all your personal audio needs. They offer quality products, customer support and excellent competitive pricing on their products. Be sure to visit Shenzen Audio online and check out the product lines they offer.
I can wait to see Shenzen Audio at NY CanJam and also hope to visit their store while at Shenzen CanJam and provide full coverage. Until the next CanJam, this wraps up my coverage of Shanghai CanJam 2019 and am looking forward to the next CanJam Global show in New York City in February.
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