Headphone.Guru’s 2022 Product of the Year & Writer’s Choice Awards!
Once again it is that time of year where we look back at all of the amazing products we have encountered over the year and award recognition to those that stood head and shoulders above the rest. This year the competition was especially tough with all of the groundbreaking products that were introduced. Congratulations to all of the winners, you have shown what a great time it is to be part of the Personal Audio Community and provided us with fantastic innovations that will provide entertainment and pleasure for many years into the future.
– Gary Alan Barker

2022 Overall Product of the Year

The dCS Lina creates a sound previously unheard in a headphone system. The stellar performance is amazing and completely blew me away with its transparency and uncolored sound. Designed as separates, you can purchase the Headphone amplifier and DAC without the clock and still be satisfied with the sound. Either way, it allows you to fit the components into your budget.
-Frank Iacone
Lina Headphone Amplifier $9,100 USD
Lina Network DAC $12,750 USD
Lina Master Clock $7,300 USD
Full System $29,150 USD
Available at Moon Audio: moon-audio.com
Manufacturer’s Website: dcsaudio.com

2022 Dynamic Headphone of the Year

Focal’s new Utopia 2022 is a significant upgrade over the previous Utopia, much more musicality, better bass extension, and a superstar treble. The Utopia 2022 when paired with reference systems will allow you to experience a true reference headphone and are worthy. Expensive yes, but products like this do not come along that often, and the scale of sales is less than for less expensive headphones. Impressive for me was the balanced musicality that the Utopia 2022 offered. Is it perfect? Well, there are no perfect headphones, but this Utopia 2022 and the EXPANSE come as close to perfection as I have heard and sit in another class entirely.
Never did I feel fatigued while listening to the Focal Utopia 2022 and it has been on my head since CanJam Socal. If you are looking for the best in class for 2022, the Utopia 2022 should be on your auditioning list. All I can say is Focal really nailed the performance and made this a musical transducer that will bring the musicians home. Exceptional performance and merits strong consideration for the best I have heard in 2022. Our product of the year will come out in November and picking between this and EXPANSE will be a tight race. Both are exceptional and I love both of them. What a time to be a music lover with all the outstanding designs that keep coming out. The Utopia 2022 is an exceptional performer that never failed and showcased no weakness. Another super product from Focal.
-Frank Iacone
Price: $4,999
Available at Moon Audio: www.moon-audio.com
Manufacturer’s Website: www.focal.com

2022 Planar Headphone of the Year
Musicality is the most important aspect of any performance and the EXPANSE has a sound rarely if ever heard from any planar design. No matter what played the EXPANSE made the experience memorable. I found myself listening into the wee hours of the morning. Everything else became secondary and the EXPANSE allowed me to relax and get into the music. The soulful EXPANSE is a creative marvel with its ability to disappear. Comfortable to wear for marathon listening sessions it delivers everything you could want in reference transducers. Together with my reference Lina system, it’s headphone listening at its best. Once again Dan Clark sets a new benchmark in design. Highly recommended and a strong contender for product of the year.
-Frank Iacone

The Dan Clark Audio EXPANSE was simply the best open-backed headphone we had ever heard and was our pick for best headphone of the year until Frank had listened to the Focal Utopia 2022, which though significantly different in presentation was equally groundbreaking in its sonic characteristics, so we created separate categories to acknowledge the brilliance of both products. Still, when paired with the right amplifier you will not find a headphone that compares to the EXPANSE in resolution, tonal balance, soundstage, and bass response. Hats off to Dan Clark Audio and a well-earned Product of the Year Award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Price: $3,999.99 (includes a VIVO cable with 2.5mm, 3.5mm, 4.4mm, 1/4”, or 4- pin XLR termination – $50 extra for a 3-meter cable)
Available at Moon Audio: https://www.moon-audio.com/
Manufacturer’s Website: https://danclarkaudio.com/

2022 In-Ear Monitor of the Year

Simply one of the best-sounding headphones I have ever heard period. The Noble Audio Viking Ragnar will compete favorably with any over-the-ear headphone, be it electrostatic, planar, or dynamic. While I still find over-the-ear headphones to be more convenient for daily listening, there is no question that the Viking Ragnar is first choice for serious listening, not to mention situations where IEMs are more appropriate. Congrats Noble Audio on a well-deserved Product of the Year award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Price: $ 4,000
Manufacturer’s Website: https://nobleaudio.com/

2022 Music Streamer of the Year

The Matrix Audio Element X2 checks off every box in what one would want in a music server and does so while providing world-class reference sound despite being solid-state and using a chip-based DAC. Though by no means inexpensive the Element X2 will easily stand sonically against products costing twice as much. So let’s all congratulate Matrix Audio on a hard-won Product of the Year award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Price: $4,399
Manufacturer’s Website: www.moon-audio.com

2022 Tube Amplifier of the Year

What can I say, I was so impressed with the sound of the LSA VT-70, especially after I installed the Gold Lion KT88s that I swapped it out for the Manley as my reference Headphone Amplifier (actually it is my reference speaker amplifier also), and at half the price even with the tube upgrade that is quite the bargain. The VT-70 simply does everything right, laser flat neutral tonal balance, excellent damping on the bottom end with deep extension, magical musical midrange, phenomenal resolution and soundstage, and the power to drive pretty much anything. Congrats LSA, you have more than earned this Product of the Year Award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Price: $1,299 (introductory price, regular $1,399)
Manufacturer’s Website: www.underwoodhifi.com

2022 Budget Headphones of the Year

HIFIMAN DEVA Pro & BLUEMINI R2R DAC are three bargains packaged as one. As I pointed out in my review either the DEVA Pro or the BLUEMINI R2R DAC would justify the $329 price tag on their own, so you get a great value in a planar headphone that simply sounds too good for its price range, especially if you opt to get the upgraded headphone cable, an outstanding R2R DAC that also accepts Bluetooth, and a class beating Bluetooth headphone. A fantastic effort by HIFIMAN well deserving of a Product of the year award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Price: $329
Manufacturer’s Website: https://hifiman.com/products/detail/313

2022 Budget Amplifier of the Year

I can’t say this enough so I’ll repeat it again, the Schiit Audio VALI 2++ is my favorite headphone amplifier. Not only is it an amazing sounding amplifier, with a ridiculously low noise floor beating out most solid-state amplifiers not even considering the fact that it is a Tube Hybrid, and power enough to drive most headphones, in a package that barely clutters your desktop, along with the advantage of hassle-free tube rolling thanks to its single dual triode tube, it does all of this at a price that is so low that anyone can afford it. In fact, I would almost be willing to remove the word budget from the award were it not for amplifiers like the Schiit Audio Lyr+ and the LSA VT-70, not to mention the dCS Lina headphone amplifier. Congrats Schiit Audio, this was one of the easiest Product of the Year Awards I ever had to pick.
-Gary Alan Barker
Price: $149
Manufacturer’s Website: https://www.schiit.com/products/vali-3

2022 Budget DAC of the Year

The sound quality of budget products are getting so good that they are driving down the limit of diminishing returns, and with the Questyle M15 In-line USB DAC/Amp Questyle is at the forefront of those pushing it down. The combination of ESS’ Sabre DAC chip with Current Mode output and Questyle’s patented Current Mode amplifier makes your phone able to put out sound that competes with many high-end DAPs, though I think the M15’s true home should be with laptops and tablets able to put out DSD. Well done Questyle, and congrats on the befitting Product of the Year Award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Price: $249
Manufacturer’s Website: questyleshop.com

2022 True Wireless IEMS of the Year

When I reviewed the Noble Falcon Pro True Wireless IEMs, I thought that True Wireless had finally come into its own providing the combination of convenience, comfort, and performance that made it the best in class, little did I realize that only a few short months would pass before Noble would blow that out of the water. The Noble Fokus Pro is simply a whole level above, entering a world where it is not just a great True Wireless IEM, but a great IEM period. Congrats Noble on this significantly merited Product of the Year award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Manufacturer’s Website: https://www.nobleaudio.com/wireless/p/fokus-pro
Price: $349

2022 Power Conditioner of the Year

One of the main differences between “mid-fi” and audiophile sound is noise-floor, it allows all of the dynamics and detail to come through. And there is no easier way to improve your system than proper line conditioning. That said, most good power conditioners are several thousand dollars, putting them well beyond the reach of most Personal Audio connoisseurs. The Core Power Ground Zero changes all that with a product well-matched to most desktop systems. Congrats Core Power, another fine product that merits this Product of the Year Award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Manufacturer’s Website: www.underwoodhifi.com
Introductory Price: $399

2022 Cables of the Year

Cables are every bit as much a component as any other in a system, more so in Personal Audio where small changes make huge differences. Moon Audio’s Bronze Dragon Interconnects combine the warmth of copper with the high resolution, high current, and extreme phase coherency of their famous Silver Dragon Cables. For anyone who is looking for musicality with a massive soundstage, look no further, the Bronze Dragon is your cable. Congrats Moon Audio on a well-deserved Product of the Year Award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Manufacturer’s Webpage: www.moon-audio.com
Price: $550 for 3′ with RCA or XLR

2022 Accessory of the Year

It is not often I come across a product that is both ancillary and a firm member of the Personal Audio world, yet is so completely unique, the beyerdynamic SPACE Personal Speakerphone is one such device. The SPACE is to the desktop environment what the True Wireless IEM is to the mobile environment. Able to provide quality background music until it is needed to facilitate communication. Congrats beyerdynamic, this Product of the Year Award is extremely apt.
-Gary Alan Barker
Manufacturer’s Website: https://www.beyerdynamic.com/space
Price: $179

Gary Alan Barker:
Editor’s Choice Award for 2022 – Grado GS3000X Headphones

For the bulk of my 45+ years in audio, Grado was one of two headphone manufacturers considered audiophile quality. Despite the recent influx over the last 10 years or so of fantastic groundbreaking headphone designs, Grado still competes with the big boys and has retained a staunch following. No headphone more so than the Grado GS3000X deserves the moniker of reference or audiophile, and it stands as one of my favorite dynamic headphones. Gratulations Grado on a well earned Editor’s Choice Award.
-Gary Alan Barker
Price: $1,995
Manufacturer’s Website: 4ourears.com

Peter Pialis:
Writer’s Choice Award for 2022 – Enleum AMP-23R Headphone / Speaker amplifier

Well, after another stellar year for personal audio my decision this year was quite difficult with all the great options. I was absolutely floored when I reviewed the Diana Phi TC headphones by Abyss and their flagship AB1266 Phi TC are one of my top 3 headphones of all time. But just edging out these killer portable headphones, I think I’m going to have to go with my heart and pick Enleum’s new AMP-23R Headphone / Speaker amplifier. This amplifier was a revelation for me and quickly became my absolute favourite solid-state desktop amplifier that I’ve experienced over my many years in this hobby. Powerful enough to drive the AB1266 Phi TC by Abyss or Susvara by Hifiman without breaking a sweat, this amplifier is also nimble and quiet enough in terms of the blackest noise floor to drive far more efficient headphones too! Being incredibly detailed, balanced, and transparent, this amplifier is also incredibly fun and musical too! It literally is like eating your cake and having it too! While certainly not an entry-level amplifier as this amplifier will set you back $6,250 USD, it is the best in my opinion, and will ensure that you are driving whatever flagship headphones you may have to their highest of heights. You can find my review for this beautiful amplifier here: https://headphone.guru/the-enleum-amp-23r-headphone-speaker-amplifier-the-best-of-both-worlds/. Just a wonderful final addition to your desktop rig!
-Peter Pialis
Price:$6,250 USD
Manufacturer’s Website: enleum.com

Bowei Zhao:
Writer’s Choice Award for 2022 – HIFIMAN EF400 Balanced Desktop DAC/Amplifier

Versatility and value are the name of the game these days. One of the hottest market segments, the mid-range personal audio market, demands constant innovation, performance, and a wide feature set to boot. HIFIMAN accomplishes this with the launch of their EF400 which combines both an R2R DAC and a powerful headphone amplifier into a sub $600 package. I remarked in my video review on how clean the sound was and the suite of input and output options available to the user. Balanced, unbalanced, XLR, RCA, USB C or B, Oversampling or not? All these can be mixed and matched and harnessed with the simple package found on the EF400 with dead simple controls and an integrated power supply. The elegant chassis and size also make it an easy fit into any desk or space.
Hifiman’s EF400 punches above its class and offers itself as one of the most compelling combo options in its price segment and offers consumers access to the freedom of choice.
-Bowei Zhao
Price: $599
Manufacturer’s Website: hifiman.com
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